
Showing posts from March, 2013

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Tricks Succes in SFI Real Internet Income

Some Target to success in SFI: 1. CSAs 2. PSAs 3. WAVE3 4. the IAHBE How to get 4 targets success : 1. CSAs -To complete the new Member here and do the purchase of 1,500 vp (directly so Team Leader), this month may 1 sd 10 CSAs and next month got around 20 sd 50 CSAs from SFI. -Got 1 sd 10 CSAs each month if retained the status of EA -won the auction for 50 CSAs, 100 and 200 CSAs CSAs Its benefits if You make a purchase, CSAs gets 15% of cv Example: If 1 active CSAs (maintain the status of EA) with purchase such as: IAHBE-then you will get $ 2.55 -100TC then you get $ 2,33 200TC-then you get $ 3.32 Please calculate yourself if you have active CSAs as much as 10, 20, 30, 40.50 and so on. Tip: the more you have, the more likely CSAs you have active CSAs. Detail tricks and become member click here FREE . 2. PSAs -Promote Your SFI link is here Its benefits if You make a purchase, PSAs received 4...

It's Who You Know, Not What You Know That Matters.

Google Reader was like TiVo for the web, appealing to completists and skippers alike. Read everything or read nothing. The choice was yours. Jason Shellen - founding product manager of Google Reader writing in Techcrunch on March 23 2013 RSS:Really Simply Stated - It's TIVO For Blogs. An irrelevant blogger writing on October 1 2006

How SFI ( Strong Future International) work

SFI ( Strong Future International) is the company was founded and led by Gery Carson since 1998. The purpose of the establishment of this company is to allow any person who have internet access to participate in the online trading world revolution. And everyone who is interested to participate, can be an Affiliate of his for free just by filling out the registration form provided. SIGN UP FOR FREE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE SFI MARKETING GROUP Is not required to purchase any eBooks, as you often find on the internet and make your bag drained and felt cheated, you will be able to really produce a DOLLAR from the internet with registration & free training from SFI, and follows the rules correctly. Dollar producing products in the SFI there are various various, there is a 100% free there is also a need to stay easier. You can choose the SFI affiliate program in accordance with your wishes. To sign up free click here How it works as follows. 1. registered, we placed on the affiliate, affil...

What if you didn't have to guess?

In decades past, the success of a marketing director depended heavily on his or her ability to predict the future, often times by guessing. Guess well, and you were a success. Guess poorly, and your marketing career was short-lived. Marketers became adept at reading the tea leaves, and depending upon their gut and experience to make educated guesses. As my friend Rick Lester says, "prayer should not be a marketing strategy." On this blog, I've written several times about the importance of using data to make decisions. Often times companies have years of transactional data that can be invaluable when developing strategy for future campaigns. That said, I've somewhat neglected another important tool that I've used throughout my career to help guide decision-making - market research. Combined, market research and data analysis form a formidable team. One should not be chosen over the other, but they should be used in tandem, and if done so, the need to guess is almos...