The Biggest Marketing Challenge of the Next 10 Years (Part One)
These past two years have been incredibly challenging. As the global economic crisis settled in, we all tried to figure out what that would mean for our organizations. Some organizations failed. Many launched emergency fundraising appeals. And recently, we are beginning to see the questioning of major business practices, from preview performances to selling subscriptions . New technologies are changing the way audiences interact with "art," some major metropolitan areas are showing significant declines in arts participation , and many states are slashing their arts funding . Even with the recent craziness, it looks as if there might be a light at the end of the crisis tunnel . Many of us have been in the trenches for awhile, making strategic planning difficult as we tend to the fire of the moment. However, as we emerge from the financial crisis, we should start thinking about what lies ahead. As we enter a new decade, I began to wonder what the biggest marketing challenge of ...